The abandonment of animals and the crime of mistreatment or cruelty against animals


The abandonment of animals is a reprehensible act that not only reflects a lack of compassion and responsibility, but also constitutes a crime against innocent beings. Among the most frequent victims of this crime are dogs, which, especially during the summer months, are abandoned as a result of what was once a lovely Christmas present, has grown up and, for some, has lost his puppyish appeal.

The abandonment of animals is a crime that consists of abandoning animals without providing them with the care, shelter or supplies necessary for their survival. It is an act that flatly contradicts our moral obligations towards our fellow men. By abandoning animals, individuals not only neglect their duty to provide them with a dignified life, but also expose them to various dangers and risks. This is particularly true of dogs, which are highly dependent on human care and attention.

Dogs, known for their unwavering loyalty and unconditional love, are often subjected to the horrors of abandonment. In the summer months, the consequences of abandoning these faithful companions become even more severe. Dogs are particularly susceptible to extreme heat and can suffer from heat stroke, dehydration, and other heat-related illnesses. Their fur coats, originally designed to regulate body temperature, become a burden in hot weather, making them vulnerable to overheating.

The summer months see an alarming increase in the number of abandoned dogs; a disturbing trend that exacerbates the suffering of these animals. When dogs are left to fend for themselves in searing temperatures, they face not only physical health risks but also psychological trauma. Dogs are social creatures that depend on the company of both humans and their peers, so abandonment generates feelings of fear, confusion and loneliness. Additionally, they may be exposed to accidents, malnutrition, predation, or encounter hostile human behavior.

As a result of the above, the abandonment of animals, including dogs, is illegal in many jurisdictions and is considered a criminal offence. There are laws and regulations to protect animals from cruelty and neglect. Animal welfare organizations and authorities work tirelessly to raise awareness of this issue and enforce the law, holding perpetrators accountable for their actions. In addition to legal repercussions, those who abandon animals face condemnation from society, as such acts are widely recognized as morally reprehensible.Preventing and addressing dog abandonment, especially during the summer months, requires a multifaceted approach. First, education and awareness campaigns are crucial in promoting responsible pet ownership, emphasizing the commitment and care that goes into raising a dog. In addition, the implementation of stricter penalties for offenders and improved enforcement of animal protection laws can act as a deterrent. In addition to this, society must foster a culture of empathy and compassion towards animals, encouraging people to report cases of abandonment and provide support to animal shelters and rescue organizations, as these entities play a vital role in the rehabilitating abandoned animals and finding them loving homes.In conclusion, the crime of abandoning animals, especially dogs, represents a flagrant violation of our moral and legal responsibilities. The summer months, with their harsh weather conditions, exacerbate the suffering and risks faced by abandoned dogs. It is essential that we recognize the seriousness of this problem and take proactive steps to combat animal abandonment. By promoting responsible pet ownership, enforcing animal welfare laws, and fostering a compassionate society, we can safeguard the well-being and happiness of our loyal canine companions.


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